Maantje Writes A Book

Maantje wanders around the flea market. She is looking for books and Playmobil figures but cannot find anything. The ten euros Dad gave
her are still jingling in her pocket.
‘You haven’t bought a book yet,’ says Mum. ‘Do you want to keep looking around or shall we go and have a drink across the street?’
‘I don’t want a book,’ she says to Mum. Because if you can make up your own story, you do not need a book.

And that is what Maantje does. The story is about her big brother Wonderboy who lives in the rainforests across the ocean, where he has to take on the evil wizard Transformer.

  • Illustrated Fiction | 96 pages | 18,5 x 22,5 cm
  • Illustrated Fiction
  • Hoogland & Van Klaveren