Best Friends Dare Everything

Two little guinea pigs go outside to play. As long as they have each other, they’re not afraid of anything!
Climb the highest mountain? Easy!
‘You first.’
‘No, you!’
They explore the world together. Luckily, they always agree. Always? Almost always. After a long day of discovery they fall asleep in the sun. When they wake up it’s dark outside. There’s something rustling in the bushes…
‘Did you hear that?’
‘I’m not scared!’
‘Do you wanna look?’
‘No, you first!’
Fortunately, Daddy always knows where to find his little guinea pigs!
They ride home on his back.
‘I want to sit up front.’
‘No, me!’

‘Thanks to the bright colours, their eye for detail, the animals’ striking facial expressions and especially the gentle humour and witty remarks, the book is never boring.’ – Leidsch Dagblad

  • Picture Book | 32 pages | 23,8 x 28,6 cm
  • Dikke vriendjes durven alles
  • Leopold
  • Cambourakis (French)
  • Fortellerforlaget (Norwegian)
  • IRHCLI (Persian)
  • King-in Culture (Simplified Chinese)
  • Mamnho (Vietnamese)